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Te Tiriti Ō Waitangi

Te Tiriti ō Waitangi is an integral part of the Baby Friendly Aotearoa Programme.

Unuhia te rito o te harakeke

Kei hea te kōmaki e ko


Rere ki uta, Rere ki tae

Ui mai koe ki au

He aha te mea nui

Maku e ki atu

He Tangata, He Tangata, He Tangata




If you remove the central shoot of the flax bush where will the bellbird find rest?

If you were to ask me, "What is the most important thing in the world?

I would reply

It is people, it is people, it is people

This whakatauākī (proverb) reflects the value of the physical and spiritual relationship that supports our kaupapa. The values of Baby Friendly Aotearoa celebrate the bi-cultural partnership of two distinct cultures in Aotearoa New Zealand; Māori as the indigenous people of Aotearoa, and those who have subsequently settled in this country from other lands. This relationship is stated in Te Tiriti ō Waitangi, the founding agreement of Aotearoa New Zealand that this country is built on.

NZBA works within a Treaty framework and its work is influenced by the outcomes of the Waitangi Tribunal Claim - Wai 2575: the Health Services and Outcomes Inquiry.

In the face of ongoing systemic racism and poverty that threatens Māori wellbeing, it is imperative that disparities in health care are eliminated in order to reach equity of health outcomes for all. The Baby Friendly Aotearoa Programme represents a foundation for optimism and confidence for all our futures.

From a Māori world view, whāngai ū, or breastfeeding, reflects the wellness of the whānau/family unit, a hapū/subtribe and an iwi/tribe. Wai ū was linked to whakapapa or genealogy so the cultural practice was crucial to existence of generations in the future and acknowledgment of those in the past. The Baby Friendly Aotearoa Programme recognises and supports Māori aspirations to make decisions around their own healthcare, including the need to maintain their own cultural practices around whāngai ū.

Breastfeeding support services have best outcomes when they are driven by the needs of individuals and whānau/family. Health professionals need to understand Māori world views (Te Ao Māori) and the health system must integrate Te Ao Māori into health practices to provide positive breastfeeding experiences.

Te Ao Māori provides the basis for planning for healthcare that demonstrates the intent of Te Tiriti Ō Waitangi and is responsive to Māori aspirations. Māori scholar, Sir Mason Durie, describes the different aspects of the Māori holistic model “Pae ora: Healthy Futures” as:

Te Mauri ora: Healthy individuals within a whānau/family reaching maximum potential. Everyone needs care that is culturally and clinically competent.

Whānau/family ora: Healthy environments - Māori in whānau/family are supported to reach their potential in terms of their health. Whānau are crucial to care.

Wai ora: Enabling environments – Māori have access to resources and live in an environment that supports wellbeing and healthy life on their terms.

Te Tiriti Ō Waitangi articles are expressed through the following principles:

Partnership or Pātuitanga: The principle of partnership ensures that NZBA work with Māori to build a strong partnership. We have a bi-cultural governance model, we work with our Māori stakeholders, Māori auditors and others.

Mana Taurite or Equity: NZBA demonstrates its commitment to achieving equitable health outcomes for whānau Māori is at its core. Eliminating all forms of racism is critical to achieving health equity and the vision of pae ora – a healthy future for all New Zealanders. We align with Te Tiriti ō Waitangi obligations and enabling Māori to flourish and lead their aspirations for health. We aim to be inclusive enough to incorporate all possible dimensions of equity e.g. indigenous, but also gender, socio-economic, geographical and disability. We advocate and navigate services towards resources that assist with implementation and maintenance of BFHI.

Tino Rangatiratanga or Self-Determination: This principle provides for whānau Māori self-determination and mana motuhake. We work within a bi-cultural governance model and with our Māori stakeholders in the design, delivery and monitoring of our mahi. We advocate for increasing Māori workforce capacity and expertise in breastfeeding support where we are able to tuakana-teina/guide.

Whakamarumarutia or Active Protection: The principle of active protection ensures that NZBA works effectively to protect breastfeeding including protecting the BFI and improving Māori breastfeeding health outcomes e.g. Te Tiriti competencies within the BFHI documents, advocating for improved data systems, advising on Code violations.

Kōwhiringa or Options: This principle supports NZBA to advocate for change in the health and disability sector to ensure that services are provided are culturally safe and uplift Te Ao Māori models of care e.g. advocating for matauranga Māori and Māori models of practice in maternity healthcare.