NZBA provides resources for BFI Accredited service providers and the community free of charge, but ask that postage charges are paid for (particularly for large orders). All resources are freely available as downloadable PDFs, but NZBA can provide printed and larger orders on request.
How to order
All NZBA resources are freely available as downloadable PDFs, but NZBA can provide printed copies on request.
Resources are free of charge, but NZBA charges for postage.
Orders can be placed by e-mailing [email protected].
Alternatively, post the order to the New Zealand Breastfeeding Alliance (NZBA) with a self-addressed, postage paid envelope/bag to:
PO Box 20-454
Bishopdale, Christchurch 8543
Overseas orders are charged for resources and postage. Contact the NZBA direct for more information.
View PDF
A5 Pamphlets:
- Skin to Skin Contact - Kiri ki te kiri
- Rooming-In
- The Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding (for health professionals)
- Being Baby Friendly (The Ten Steps for māmā and whānau)
Other resources:
- Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) Postcard
- Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) pocket card: The Ten Steps/Care for formula feeding whānau/Te Tiriti o Waitangi
- Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) pocket card: The WHO Code/Breastfeeding Definitions
- How to use Māmā Aroha App (postcard)
- Matariki 2022
A2 Posters:
- Skin to Skin Contact - Kiri ki te Kiri Māmā
- Skin to Skin Contact - Kiri ki te Kiri Papa
- Skin to Skin Contact - Kiri ki te Kiri Whānau
- Rooming In
- Breastmilk is super food
- Human milk is super food
- During breastfeeding you and your pēpi produce the "aroha" hormone, oxytocin
- Feeding Cues
A4 Posters
- Being Baby Friendly - available in English, Te Reo, Chinese simplified, Farsi, Hindi, Korean, Samoan, Tagalog, Thai and Tongan
- Breastfeeding is Welcome Here
- He wāhi tautoko tenei i te kaupapa whāngai ū (Breastfeeding is Welcome Here)
- Breastfeeding is Welcome Here - Tongan
- Breastfeeding is Welcome Here - Cook Island Māori
- Breastfeeding is Welcome Here - Niuean
- Breastfeeding is Welcome Here - Samoan
- Breastfeeding is Welcome Here - Hindi
- Breastfeeding is Welcome Here - Chinese
- Breastfeeding is Welcome Here - Tagalog
Resources to download and print:
- Feeding Cues (A4)
- He wāhi haumaru - breastfeeding welcome here brand guide
- He wāhi haumaru logo (harakeke)
- He wāhi haumaru logo (onepū)
- Moana Research - Cook Island Maori: Breastfeeding - creating strong and loving relationships
- Moana Research - Niuen: Breastfeeding - creating strong and loving relationships
- Moana Research - Tongan: Breastfeeding - creating strong and loving relationships
- Moana Research - Samoan: Breastfeeding - creating strong and loving relationships
- Moana Research - Tuvalu: Breastfeeding - creating strong and loving relationships
More Information
- National Breastfeeding Strategy for New Zealand Aotearoa | Rautaki Whakamana Whāngote
- Te Waipounamu Breasetfeeding Working Group. 2023. Breastfeeding in Aotearoa. Recommendations for progressing Rautaki Whakamana Whāngote - The National Breastfeeding Strategy of New Zealand Aotearoa
- Guidance for Waitaha Midwives in their support of infant feeding (Ūkaipotanga)
- Mama Aroha App (Apple)
- Mama Aroha App (Google Play)
- Tuku Ihao - bilingual, sharing intergenerational knowledge in maternal and child wellbeing